Kongre Belgeleri

The political report of the "The Progress Congress" (Atılım)

One of the main axes of the Second Republic, founded with 2011 election in Turkey, as confirmed by the 10thCongress of Communist Party of Turkey, is “religionization” of the political regime and social structure. Over the last year, new and accelerating steps are taken in order to strengthen this axis.
It is seen that certain practices, which were questioned a couple of years ago whether they were marginal examples or precursory steps, are generalized and they gradually become parts of a totality. Religion becoming part of the educational system, direct prohibitions against the consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain localities and initiation of a religious TV channel run by the state itself are not individual practices, not individual issues but complementary elements of the program of AKP, the governing party.
Sovereign power of Turkey needs Islamic relations of charity in order to fulfil the gaps left by the disappearing social state, the Sunni identity to extend its role in the Middle East, the idea of “religious fellowship” to create “solution” to the Kurdish problem, exhaustion of arts and culture to withhold the resources of progressive ideologies, spread and deepening of religious ideas to legitimize injustice.
In this context, insulting attacks against atheism do not indicate an insane reactionary tendency, but they are essential elements of the reconstruction of dominant ideology. The new constitution, if it is presented, will be imposed upon the masses through religion, not through bourgeois liberalism or imperialist “globalisation”.
11th Congress of the Communist Party of Turkey feels itself responsible for defining this process and answering the question of how communists should oppose. The result is the following document: