Our country needs a new liberation. Anyone should know that this new liberation will save us from the parasitical, reactionary, decadent class. Then and only then this country will regain its legitimate raison d’être, achieve its independence, and will be a place of equality and freedom.
And then, in such a country, August 30 shall be a day of joyful celebration, referred to as “these struggles too are part of our history.”
One day, we shall celebrate August 30 with joy
August 30, 1922 is one of the last and determining moments of the great anti-imperialist struggle in Anatolia.
What makes such a struggle great is its being rightful and legitimate. Let us not forget the fact that two imperialist blocs had fought to death between 1914–1918 for the purpouse of dividing the World amongst themselves. As a result, millions died in this blood feud of the monopolies and the humanity faced a devastating catastrophe.
In no way the victors were rightous. They were as much responsible from this destruction as the losers of the war; and yet they felt justified for reshaping the World, recapturing the resources and markets, and enslaving the poor nations once again.
The Ottoman Empire, an already expired state who entered the war with foolish dreams, was on the losing side and was about to leave the scene of history. The vacuum thereof was to be filled by powerful imperialist states such as Britain, France, Italy, the USA, and their followers like Greece. Thus began the occupation.
The independence struggle fought by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his brothers in arms was legitimate and rightful due to its anti-imperialistic nature. The struggle was of great historical value, since it was on the same page in terms of anti-imperalism with the Socialist Revolution on Russia in 1917, which became the great hope of the workers and the oppressed of the World. And most important of all, the struggle was not aiming to prolong a caricature of Ottoman Empire. It was a progressive one.
Hence was founded the Republic of Turkey. On rightful and legitimate grounds.
Salute to those who made August 30!
We owe this salute to them. But it is not enough! The following question needs an answer: how come the revolutionary transformations that had begun in 1919 and consolidated after 1922-3 left their place to neo-Ottomanism, to successive counter-revolutionary moves, and to a country, which once again became a playfield of international monopolies? How come those who want to forget and get rid of August 30 took over the fate of this country today?
Neither Fethullah Gulen, nor Erdogan, nor AKP nor any other government are the sole responsibles. They do not have the necessary reason and power to commit this historical crime by themselves.
The responsibles are the dominant classes; the moneybags, the capitalists of this country. The Republic of Turkey rose on rightful and legitimate grounds but it turned into an unjust, oppressive, reactionary and pro-imperialist country because of the capitalist class's thirst for profit. It is the demands and needs which created Turgut Ozal, Suleyman Demirel, Fethullah Gulen, Tayyip Erdogan and many others.
Our country needs a new liberation. Anyone should know that this new liberation will save us from the parasitical, reactionary, decadent class. Then and only then this country will regain its legitimate raison d’être, reachachieve its independence, and will be a place of equality and freedom.
And then, in such a country, August 30 shall be a day of joyful celebration, referred to as “these struggles too are part of our history.”
Communist Party, Turkey
Central Committee